When will the French give Rwanda a break?

Dear Editor,I feel terribly offended when the French force Rwandans to answer to trumped up charges.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dear Editor,
I feel terribly offended when the French force Rwandans to answer to trumped up charges.

I hate it most when our heroine, Rose Kabuye is forced to travel back to France to answer allegations that she was part of the cause of late President Juvenal Habyarimana’s

death.Habyariana died in a plane crash near Kigali International Airport in 1994.

As usual, after killing more than one million Rwandans in the planned genocide, the French aided the perpetuators to escape to the Democratic Republic of Congo where they are committing the same crimes against humanity.

How does the French taxpayer benefit from their money being wasted on cases that they cannot win?