Coping with Cervical Spondylosis

Many women in their thirties and men also, particularly office workers start complaining of pain in one or both arms, shoulders, neck and parasthesias like tingling, numbness, e.t.c.  One of the main reasons for all these complaints is, “Cervical Spondylosis”. 

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Many women in their thirties and men also, particularly office workers start complaining of pain in one or both arms, shoulders, neck and parasthesias like tingling, numbness, e.t.c.  One of the main reasons for all these complaints is, "Cervical Spondylosis”. 

"Cervical spondylosis”, is a condition of degeneration of the spine in the portion of neck. Though a degenerative condition, it appears early in life as compared to other similar changes because the neck is a very delicate part supporting the head and is put to too much movement along with head’s movement.

Women are 2 to 3 times more prone to Cervical Spondylosis and usually develop this condition after 35 years of age. This is because of the nature of work done by women. Holding babies on the lap, breast feeding them, cooking, sewing, e.t.c. domestic chores, all these involve bending of the neck. 

Osteoporosis aggravates the problem. As a result, degeneration sets in faster. Similar risk is involved in men engaged in writing or reading for long hours continuously. People using high pillows below the head while sleeping expose themselves to developing the risk of Cervical Spondylosis.

Because the alignment of the spine in the neck does not remain level with rest of the spine thus causing stress.
Due to stress, space between the vertebras is reduced, thus causing pain during neck on movements. Small new bones called osteophytes are formed between the vertebrae.

Compression of nerves by these osteophytes is the cause of numbness, tingling, pain in the affected area. The symptoms may be felt in the neck, shoulders, upper back, arms, forearms, fingers or hands, in all these or any one of these parts, depending on the location of the osteophytes. 

The pain produced may closely resemble that of angina, thus leading to many tests done to exclude cardiac problems. At times carotid arteries that supply blood to the brain may be compressed causing giddiness and attacks of paralysis.

If the blood vessel supplying blood to inner parts of the ear is compressed, the individual suffers from giddiness and tinnitus, i.e. hearing sounds inside the ear.

Once it starts, cervical spondylosis cannot be cured by any medicine. All that can be done is prevent further progress. The first step for this is to avoid high pillows while sleeping.

One should be careful so as not to bend the neck while doing any work. For example, for reading and writing one can put the material at level with eyes instead of bending the neck.

Similarly, when looking behind it is wise to turn all around. This is because if only the neck is used for that purpose it undergoes stress.

Same measures if applied from a much younger age can prevent development of spondylosis. Calcium and vitamin supplements are useful to minimise the suffering caused due to spondylosis.

If neck exercises are done regularly that is also very useful for those who suffer from spondylosis. Exercise helps to retain neck flexibility and prevent further progression of spondylosis.

A person suffering from cervical spondylosis should not be perturbed, because it is a normal change with aging. With precautions, a victim can lead a normal or near normal life.

Contact: rachna212002