Photography Trendy a go for business

MOSES GAHIGI explores new trends in photography Gone are the days when a person used to take a photo only to get it in the next four or so days. Among the spontaneously life easing trends technology has brought to our society include supersonic photography facilities which include state of the art digital cameras, photo printers and others.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

MOSES GAHIGI explores new trends in photography

Gone are the days when a person used to take a photo only to get it in the next four or so days. Among the spontaneously life easing trends technology has brought to our society include supersonic photography facilities which include state of the art digital cameras, photo printers and others.

More energising is the fact that our local entrepreneurs have taken advantage of this advancement and ventured into the field of photography with a yearning to take it to another level.
According to Allen Sirikale who works with Cool pix photo studio at the Union Trade Center building, on a normal day they get over 80 clients who come seeking various photography services.

What is cutting-edge about this studio is the fact that it has a computerised Kodak photo printer which prints out a photo with in a maximum of one minute after taking it.

Each super express photo at Cool pix studio is taken and printed at a cost of Rwf500, while passport size photos go for Rwf 2000 and you get them on the spot.

Among other products offered in cool pix studio are; photo printing from phone memory cards, flash disks, negatives, and all can even be printed on plastic to suit water decorations.

Photography and graphic designing is a business that has already picked up in Rwanda, whereby many people, have realised the potential demand its products have apparently.

It is also one of those easy-to start kind of medium scale businesses that can earn one a fortune in a short period of time.

The demand for modern photography products and graphic designs are evidenced by the vigorous business activities that call for advertisement and publicity. It is these advertising firms that use most of these products.

Among the few advertising firms that use such products here in Rwanda, include concept development that does publicity and promotional work.

Any forward looking entrepreneur seeking to venture in anything with guaranteed yields, ought to think of this field because it’s not even very competitive at the moment, so with a little strategy and proper networking, a fortune can be made. 
