German documentary film to showcase Simba Supermarket

A team of Germans has been in the country working on a documentary to showcase Simba supermarket in Kigali. The documentary is about butchery products in Rwanda and Simba supermarket specifically.

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Inside Simba Supermarket. (Photo/G. Barya).

A team of Germans has been in the country working on a documentary to showcase Simba supermarket in Kigali. The documentary is about butchery products in Rwanda and Simba supermarket specifically.

It also aims at showcasing the work of Melfried Muller a retired German now working in Rwanda on behalf of the Senior Expert Service (SES) of Germany.

In an interview with The Sunday Times the head of the German team, Axel Koenzen, said the documentary is part of the efforts to promote start-up businesses in developing countries.

Koenzen said that the documentary will be aired on German Television and will also be used as an advert for a German Bank.

SES is a non profit company that taps expertise from retired people in Germany to provide expert services to developing countries. It also works with the German Development Fund for Africa.

The team also travelled to the Eastern Province on Friday to inspect a farm that supplies meat products to the supermarket.

Simba supermarket proprietor/partner Charles Gasana said that the German team is helping the supermarket in other areas like staff training.

"They are generally supporting us in carrying out training as part of their support to business development,” he explained.

Gasana revealed that they will also be helping Simba Supermarket purchase goods at favourable prices in Germany. He added that the Germans will be investing in the business and become partners with the local proprietors.

The Germans expressed optimism that Rwanda is fast becoming a centre for doing business and foreign direct investment.

The supermarket stocks electronics, foodstuffs, kitchen ware, gym equipment, and furniture. It also includes a bakery and a snack bar.
