Get inspired

Welcome to the New Year 2009. Let me hope that it found you healthy and strong. In our last issue, we talked of not losing hope in the things we would like to achieve. It is my prayer that the year 2009 turns out to be fruitful to those whose hopes were not realised in 2008. May all your dreams come true. Are there some dreams which didn’t come true in 2008? My friend, better take a bull by its horn, stick unto your dreams. Even great achievers at one time dreamt.

Saturday, January 10, 2009
Nelson Mandela.

Welcome to the New Year 2009. Let me hope that it found you healthy and strong. In our last issue, we talked of not losing hope in the things we would like to achieve. It is my prayer that the year 2009 turns out to be fruitful to those whose hopes were not realised in 2008. May all your dreams come true.

Are there some dreams which didn’t come true in 2008? My friend, better take a bull by its horn, stick unto your dreams. Even great achievers at one time dreamt.

Nelson Mandela didn’t stop dreaming until he saw freedom in South African. Today, the president elect Barack Osama’s is what he is because of his great dreams.

Though Martin Luther King died before he saw, touched and felt the reality of his great and inspiring dream, many will testify to the realisation of that dream today.

Eleanor Roosevelt says that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. While another once said that the best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up. I will add, and work towards achieving them.

My dear, your dreams are too beautiful to be dumped. If you had dumped them in the 2008 trash box, better chew the cud and be pro active towards them this year which I’d love to say that it is a year of great positive exploits.    

Do not mind of your dream’s weight, the bigger the dream, of course the greater you can achieve. My dear, keep on dreaming dreams which have not been dreamt. Think big and strive to achieve greater.  

Henry David Thoreau calls you to go confidently in the direction of your dreams and to live the life you have imagined. Do you want to see this year different? Better change the way you have been thinking towards yourself and the people around you.

Think Positive….  

See yourself as a conqueror, a dream achiever and a champion in the year 2009. Look not at past failures of 2008, the past is past and behold here is a new start.

Hook up with people who have already achieved big for you will also discover the channels which led them where they are now. Stay blessed.
