Rwamagana gets new joint action forum committee

EASTERN PROVINCE RWAMAGANA—leadership was this week locked major joint-action meeting with different developers operating in the district as a new committee had been elected.

Thursday, October 04, 2007


RWAMAGANA—leadership was this week locked major joint-action meeting with different developers operating in the district as a new committee had been elected.

The newly-elected committee of seven saw Norbert Munyarusisiro reelected as president and Richard Niwemwungeri as committee secretary. Others elected on the committee include a treasurer, and four advisers.

"The committee, alongside district authorities, is charged with overseeing that development is achieved in the district,” Mayor Valens Ntezirembo said. He explained that working closely with developers was one way the district could achieve its developmental programs.

"This meeting brings together members of all organization operating in the district of Rwamagana in order for the district to present its developmental programs and we hope every organization will intervene accordingly,” Ntezirembo said.

In a related development, the mayor urged organizations operating in the district to present action plans for the coming year.

The mayor explained that by doing so, the district would know who was going to participate in which kind of activities, arguing that this helped authorities in planning and making follow-ups toi projects.

According to the district’s development plan, the pillars in which the developers can be reoriented include good governance; health promotion and family protection; land, urbanization, habitat and infrastructure development; education youth, sports and culture; finance and mobilization of resources and economic development and employment promotion.

Godfrey Kamukunde, representing social security fund CSR of Rwanda said the district had a lot of activities yet little budgets to be allocated.

According to district authorities over 50 organizations operate in Rwamagana, including Uyisenga ni Imanzi, Heifer international, Women for Women, Urunana, AVEGA NTD, Access, Africare, Reauseu des femmes, Intrahealth, UCF, Foundation Barakabaho, ARCT Ruhuka, FVA, ACDI VOCA ,PSI, CLAUDHO, Electrogaz, and CSS.
