Car matters: On fuel consumption

With the fuel rationing ordered by government, we have to use our cars sparingly. However, with the situation under control to avoid a crisis like in other regional countries, you must try to find alternative solutions to learn how to make your car consume less fuel, without reducing your car usage. You should therefore use your car economically. By economically, I mean do not drive at high speed. Because the higher the speed is, the higher the gas consumption. 

Friday, January 09, 2009

With the fuel rationing ordered by government, we have to use our cars sparingly. However, with the situation under control to avoid a crisis like in other regional countries, you must try to find alternative solutions to learn how to make your car consume less fuel, without reducing your car usage.

You should therefore use your car economically. By economically, I mean do not drive at high speed. Because the higher the speed is, the higher the gas consumption.

However, cars have different fuel consumption levels depending on the brand of the car, the driver’s skills, and the road as well.

 The car’s engine also matters. And of course the fuel consumption of a new car is different from that of an already used one.

It is said that used cars consume less fuel, but depending on the engine and type of the car. Fuel consumption is crucial when it comes to buying a car since everyone needs to buy a car that consumes less.

No need buying a beautiful but very consuming vehicle. Therefore, consider the looks alongside the quality of the engine and the fuel consumption.

There is also a difference between the fuel consumption of the car in the city and on upcountry trips. Causes of burning more fuel might also be due to improper inflation of the car tyres.

Overloading also causes the engine to burn more fuel. For you to get more mileage and have economical fuel consumptions, avoid traffic because traffic can keep your car burning fuel.

Do not carry more than you need on your car. Cut down on the unnecessary accessories for your car. However, it is also right to keep your car properly maintained, especially the engine before setting off for a trip.
