Living life: To a Happy 2009

The New Year is finally here and literally everybody, including that fellow who has a knack of rubbing you the wrong way all the time, is shouting their Happy New years as soon as they meet you. Isn’t it a happy world, really?

Friday, January 09, 2009

The New Year is finally here and literally everybody, including that fellow who has a knack of rubbing you the wrong way all the time, is shouting their Happy New years as soon as they meet you. Isn’t it a happy world, really?

Look, despite all the economic gloom hovering over the world, all the wars that grace our television screens, the recent Christmas spending having burnt a nice little hole into your pocket, everybody is wishing everyone a Happy New year!

Are we all just good honest humans or are we all hypocrites, we humans? Are we just happy to pretend to wish each other a happy 2009 when we are secretly jealous of each others achievements, good marriages, and stellar work records?

So much with those flat sounding, never ending Happy New Years. Apart from those, we will be constantly reminded of some mysterious things they call New Year resolutions.

For many people the list usually reads something like, in 2009, I will stop drinking, I will save more, I will buy a car, I will marry a wife, please! It goes on and on.

And for the first few months, you will spend most of your time promising how you are keeping focused on the year’s goals and before you know it, its April and all you have done is nothing except that spoken vow.

Then the panic sets in and before long, you give up and wait for the following January. Poor you, the following year end, you are again up and going promising yourself you are going to make some more implausible life goals and try to cram them into the 365 days of the year.

Truth is life is just life. You can set goals at the workplace because you must and because the institution and the company you work for demands that you set goals inline with the major goals.

Life is not a book divided into chapters, which are all 365 days long. Everybody has the general goals they would like to achieve in their personal life and it all boils down to how effective we work towards these goals in our everyday life.

It does not harm to take stock of your life every year end. Do not vent anger at yourself if you did not find the one before the year end because he might just be around the corner.

If you did not reach your New Year resolutions in 2008, do not fuss so much on what will become of 2009 and the much tougher ones you have set for 2009.

Instead, take the opportunity to relax and reexamine your general short term, medium term and long term goals of your life and make it a point to align these goals with your everyday life.

If in your hearts of hearts, you love and are passionate about your life goals and how you would like them to split up in the short, medium and long term, your body, mind and soul will automatically tune into success mode.

So you don’t have to beat yourself up about the fact that you didn’t buy that car by December 30th. Just continue Living Life.
