Editorial: It’s Back to school again

Yes, it’s that time of the year when children return to school. Ok, even those at University level. As some children will be dreading leaving home, some parents will be wondering where they’ll get all the school necessities. The Sunday Times would like to say, “Good luck to the parents and nice school term to the children.”

Friday, January 09, 2009

Yes, it’s that time of the year when children return to school. Ok, even those at University level. As some children will be dreading leaving home, some parents will be wondering where they’ll get all the school necessities.

The Sunday Times would like to say, "Good luck to the parents and nice school term to the children.” And what a great time to go back to school than when you have a Sunday Times issue to help you relax.

In our Focus you’ll read about the parents’ views on the Back to school season. Could one be a reflection of you?

Then in our Main Feature you’ll read about the shocking atrocities being meted on our fellow brothers and sisters, the Albinos. We hope this will improve your perspective of albinos as fellow human beings.

As ever, we are determined to make your Sunday a seriously relaxed one. So, watch out for The Hater or else risk the hate and catch up with Diaspoman as he contemplates his options for a bank loan.

Our Health page is all about relaxation. So, relax. The Rambling Mind has really rambled on this time; he’s in opposites with The Hater.

Hey, guess what? The Dos and Don’ts are back. Sorry for their absence, we were testing their popularity and your constant email queries showed how missed they were.

And this being 2009, we have a lot more lined up for you. Read on.
