Good move Police!

Dear Editor, I happened to read a lead story on page 2 ‘Taxi Driver held for bribing police officer’ in yesterday’s issue and I was certainly very impressed with the way police arrested one, Yusuf Muhawenimana who allegedly tried to bribe a police officer with Rwf20,000, so that his car could pass a mechanical test.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Dear Editor,

I happened to read a lead story on page 2 ‘Taxi Driver held for bribing police officer’ in yesterday’s issue and I was certainly very impressed with the way police arrested one, Yusuf Muhawenimana who allegedly tried to bribe a police officer with Rwf20,000, so that his car could pass a mechanical test.

This serves as an example to all Rwandans out there who still think that "zero tolerance to corruption is a myth.”

Corruption is a two way: one who gives and one who receives. Therefore the long arm of government will one day catch up with you. The only way to avoid falling victim is to say no to corruption.

I would therefore like to congratulate the police on this move and hope that other officials in other sectors emulate the example. Police you are doing Rwanda proud.
