Its school time again

Dear Editor, Now that it is time for our young ones to go back to school, I just want to advise my fellow parents that it is important to remind your child about the need to work even harder this year.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Dear Editor,

Now that it is time for our young ones to go back to school, I just want to advise my fellow parents that it is important to remind your child about the need to work even harder this year.

Many parents always refer to the previous performance and in case it was not really impressive, they start criticising their children’s abilities. This is bad. It may demoralise them more.

Every child has the potential to perform better, only if parents support them. It is also right to provide all the school necessities as children are always frustrated if they cannot go to school with three quarters of what is required.

Finally, in the course of the term, visit your child’s teachers as often as possible. This  is one of the ways through which, one can identify his/her child’s academic weaknesses and hence find solutions.

Education is very vital and parental support is equally necessary to build the young generation.

Concerned Parent