Kayonza residents upbeat on new system of paying health insurance
Friday, June 08, 2018
State Minister Mukabaramba is shown how technology is used to help families in Kayonza District easily get health insurance. Jean de Dieu Nsabimana

Residentsin Kayonza District have expressed their satisfaction with a new technology that facilitates payments for health insurance scheme, Mutuelle de Santé, describing it as time saving.

They made their views known Wednesday during a visit by Dr Alvera Mukabaramba, the Minister of State in the Ministry of Local Government in charge of social affairs.

Recently, the Government, through RSSB, Irembo, Mobicash, and other partners, started allowing payments via mobile telephones to pay the insurance.

Jean Baptiste Mudenge, a mason and resident of Cyinzovu Cell, Kabarondo Sector, said he had paid the insurance using his phone.

"The phone showed me that I had to pay Rwf15,000 for five people in my family, I saved it on my mobile money, after inserting my PIN, I immediately received the text message that I had successfully paid the health insurance,” he said.

"This new strategy came as an answer to us. With the previous method, we went to the bank and kept the slip, then we had to go to Mutuelle de Santé office to validate the subscription cards. The day would even end and we would go back home without getting the service we needed,” he explained.

"But now wherever you are you can do it, whether in your farm or market, it only requires saving money on your phone,” he said.

"The time it took us validating the subscription cards will now be used for other business,” he concluded.

Hassan Nsanzimana, an Irembo agent in Kabarondo town, said the new strategy was welcomed by the people.

"I am sure that now all families will have health insurance, sometimes they had insufficient money and they would use it for other issues, but with this Irembo service, it is possible to pay in instalments until the money for the whole family is paid,” he said.

Kayonza District Mayor Jean-Claude Murenzi said last year 82% of the district’s inhabitants paid the health insurance and that with the new digital platform getting more and more popular, the 100% target will be achieved next year.

Mukabaramba said new strategy will eliminate all barriers that Rwandans used to face in paying health insurance.

"Mutuelle validation office was always crowded with people looking for validation, but now with this new way, a national ID is enough after paying to get healthcare service,” she said.

But people with IDs whose information does not match with Ubudehe social stratification information will not be allowed to proceed until they sort it out at the local government administration, she said.

Explaining the need of the health insurance, Mukabaramba said: "You cannot achieve any development when you do not have good health, and that is why we need to help residents pay insurance without difficulties”.
