Ruhango gets youth healing centre

SOUTHERN PROVINCE RUHANGO — A youth healing centre has been opened in Ruhango district to handle cases of trauma and other genocide-related issues among the youths.

Thursday, January 08, 2009


RUHANGO — A youth healing centre has been opened in Ruhango district to handle cases of trauma and other genocide-related issues among the youths.

The Rwanda Youth Healing Centre, was officially launched in Nyamagana cell last week, by Vedaste Mugemanyi, the Ruhango vice Mayor in-charge of social affairs.

The function was attended by local leaders, professional counsellors and parents- during which enrolled youths demonstrated the effects of genocide through role plays.

The centre is the first of its kind in the district and 73 youths in the district have already started benefiting from the services there.

"The centre helps youths, especially genocide orphans and survivors to deal with issues of trauma and address problems of life with a positive attitude and hope,” said Maria Tumusabe, the founder of the centre.

Tumusabe, noted that the centre has enrolled talented, disciplined, strong spirited and knowledgeable youths who need to be helped to forge a new future. 

At the function, district officials urged the youth to strongly contribute to the national efforts of fostering unity and reconciliation, and fight the existing genocide ideology.

"There is need for social and economic transformation for each youth today, so as to build a new country based on love, unity and respect,” Mugemanyi said.

Angelique Mukamurenzi, one of the beneficiaries said that the facility has helped transform their lives towards positive thinking; deal with trauma, loneliness, and frustration- teaching them to work hard for a bright future.

The youth meet once a month and get counselling services, social support and interact with others through drama, dance and sharing life experiences. 
