Two arrested over attempted murder

SOUTHERN PROVINCE KAMONYI — Police in Musambira Sector are holding two men for attempted murder of their relative over a long standing land wrangle.

Thursday, January 08, 2009


KAMONYI — Police in Musambira Sector are holding two men for attempted murder of their relative over a long standing land wrangle.

According to Police, Zacharie Mwumvaneza and Celestine Ndahayo, residents of Nyamiyaga and Gacurabwenge Sectors respectively, were arrested on December 27.

The duo had allegedly hired three goons to kill Vincent Nzeyimana, a resident of Kinazi, with a promise of Rwf300.000. But the plan was foiled after one of the "hired killers”-Eugene Shyaka, a local Defence officer reported the matter to police.

Shyaka and two other people, Anastase Bakundumukiza and Jacques Hakizimana had reportedly received on advance payment of Rwf50.000.

Instead of executing the plan however, the hired men allegedly alerted Nzeyimana, hid him in Busoro, in Nyanza district and later made a mock death announcement over radio in order to claim their balance payment.

They recorded voices of the suspects which they gave to police and arranged a day for receiving their balance.

Police arrested the suspects while receiving the remaining balance.

According to Police, there is enough implicating evidence to prosecute the suspects who have already pleaded guilty.

The murder attempt originates from a land wrangle between Nzeyimana and his elder brother (Mwumvaneza) - who is said to have illegally obtained Nzeyimana’s piece of family land.

In June 2008, local courts in Musambira resolved the case in favour of Nzeyimana and Mwumvaneza was ordered to pay Rwf120.000 in compensation of destroyed banana and cassava plantation belonging to the former.

The case was however set to be heard again, after Mwumvaneza appealed.

Nzeyimana said, "My brother wanted to eliminate me ahead of a court case set for March 4 in Muhanga Upper Court; in order to avoid compensation for the damages caused, as ordered by the local tribunal.”

He claimed that the arrested suspects are a big threat to his life and should face justice since they have already attempted to kill him and have previously threatened to eliminate his defence lawyer (Chryisostome Yatubabariye), according to the recorded evidence. 
