Rwanda-Zimbabwe ties show the potential of intra-Africa trade
Monday, March 18, 2024
Officials from both delegations pose for a group photo during the third edition of the Rwanda-Zimbabwe Business Forum in Kigali on Monday, March 18.Photo by Emmanuel Dushimimana

The Rwanda-Zimbabwe Business Forum which went underway on Monday serves as a powerful testament to the transformative potential of South-South cooperation. The 50% surge in trade between these two nations over the past two years is a resounding success story, offering valuable lessons for the entire African continent.

The growth has surged thanks to the annual forum, which is now happening for the third time, interchangeably between both Kigali and Harare.

ALSO READ Rwanda-Zimbabwe trade increases by 50 per cent

For too long, Africa has been a net importer, with trade largely flowing outwards. This forum demonstrates the immense potential of intra-African trade – the exchange of goods and services among African nations. By fostering partnerships like the one between the two countries, Africa can unlock its vast economic potential and chart a path towards self-reliance.

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) represents a giant leap towards this goal. By eliminating tariffs and streamlining trade regulations, AfCFTA paves the way for a continental marketplace, fostering economic growth and job creation across Africa.

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The success of such initiatives, however, hinges on addressing existing bottlenecks. Prohibitive air transport costs remain a significant obstacle, hindering the efficient movement of goods. Streamlining air travel regulations and fostering greater competition within the aviation sector are crucial steps.

The Rwanda-Zimbabwe partnership offers a blueprint for overcoming these challenges. Both nations have prioritized infrastructure development and streamlined trade procedures, fostering a conducive environment for businesses to flourish. Increased collaboration in areas like logistics, technology, and knowledge sharing can further amplify these gains.

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Let the Rwanda-Zimbabwe trade boom be a beacon for Africa. Let us embrace South-South cooperation, dismantle trade barriers, and unlock the immense economic potential that lies within our continent. By working together, we can transform AfCFTA from an aspiration to a reality, paving the way for a more prosperous and interconnected Africa.

The future of Africa is bright, and it is built on trade, collaboration, and a shared vision of progress. Let us seize this opportunity and write a new chapter in Africa's economic story – a chapter where intra-African trade thrives, and the continent takes its rightful place on the global economic stage.