Rwandans should enjoy their freedom

Dear Editor, I read an article in yesterday’s issue saying “Police defy Kabayija’s New Year curfew order.” According to the details, the Governor, Dr Ephraim Kabayija, ordered all residents in the Eastern Province to remain indoors on New Year’s eve.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Dear Editor,

I read an article in yesterday’s issue saying "Police defy Kabayija’s New Year curfew order.” According to the details, the Governor, Dr Ephraim Kabayija, ordered all residents in the Eastern Province to remain indoors on New Year’s eve.

Sincerely this is completely unacceptable! As Rwandans we have come to believe that our country is completely safe, so why should authorities give us reason to think otherwise?

After the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi many of us came back home but from different countries and as a fact we are used to ushering in the New Year by celebrating to the best of our ability.

Why then should we be locked up in doors? I am glad that other officials like Supt Jean Pierre Kajeguhakwa, the Acting Regional Police Commander in the same Province did not agree with this order and I hope that such incidents do not happen again. Our country is secure so we should enjoy our freedom fully.
