MTN rewards best village phone supplier

Vision Finance Company (VFC), a microfinance institution based in Kigali has been voted best distributor of Village Phones in the country.

Thursday, October 04, 2007
Vision Finance Company staff pose with a motorcycle they won from MTN.

Vision Finance Company (VFC), a microfinance institution based in Kigali has been voted best distributor of Village Phones in the country.

The pay-phones supplied by MTN are given out as loans to the population through microfinance institutions. The village phone commonly known as Terimbere has become popular in areas where electric power supply is unreliable and the MTN network is weak.

VFC supplied 53 phones to villagers in two months beating two institutions; Urwego and Duterimbera, who gave out 49 and 26 phones respectively.

MTN awarded VFC a new motorcycle, while other microfinance institution got TV sets, airtime and household appliances.

"Many small entrepreneurs in rural areas operate village phones to boost their incomes. We hope this kind of motivations continue because we have realized the importance of village phones,” says Jean Vianney Rwigira of VFC.

"This product has not only facilitated communication in rural areas, but it has also played a significant role in fighting poverty,” says Emmanuel Ruterana, an officer working with Urwego Microfinance.
