Over 100 semi-skilled teachers to lose jobs

NORTHERN PROVINCE MUSANZE — About 120 semi-skilled primary school teachers in the Musanze district could lose their jobs after the introduction of the new education reforms by the Ministry of Education.  

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

About 120 semi-skilled primary school teachers in the Musanze district could lose their jobs after the introduction of the new education reforms by the Ministry of Education.  

This was revealed during a recent meeting between district authorities and primary school teachers on the implementation of the 9 year basic education. 

The teachers to be affected include those who hold EMA (Ecole Moniteur Auxiliares) - two years teaching certificate awarded to those who acquired teaching training after completing primary level and all teachers who hold D4, D5 teaching grades but had never completed senior six before joining teachers training courses.

According to the Musanze district education director, Fidel Nzigira, under the reforms, all schools will introduce a double shift system from S.1 up to S.6 in order to accommodate the big number of secondary school enrolment expected this year.

He said that teachers shall be required to double their efforts in order to improve the standard of education by especially specialising in their disciplines.
