Livestock seizure sparks disputes

EASTERN PROVINCE NYAGATARE — A row has erupted between a local resident of Tabagwe Sector in Nyagatare district, and Sector leaders after authorities seized his 28 herd of cattle which had destroyed one farmer’s crops.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


NYAGATARE — A row has erupted between a local resident of Tabagwe Sector in Nyagatare district, and Sector leaders after authorities seized his 28 herd of cattle which had destroyed one farmer’s crops.

The Tabagwe Sector Executive Secretary, Habibu Ngoga ordered the seizure of Frank Mugabo’s cattle a day after Christmas.

This was after the cattle had invaded a garden belonging to one Justine Murebwayire, an area resident.

The farmer has since demanded compensation for his destroyed crops but the cattle owner says his animals were unfairly confiscated.

Sources allege that the two residents had a long standing conflict before the confiscation of the cattle and Murebwayire asked Sector leaders to confiscate the animals to settle their past grudges, a claim the latter denies.

"I have not fallen out with him (Mugabo) but he violates my rights to grow crops in the area where he is keeping his livestock.” 

Talking to The New Times on Monday, the Sector leader, Ngoga, denied the cows were confiscated with ill motives and said the amount of compensation will be decided by the village committee.  

The Sector authorities insist that the livestock farmer should compensate his colleague because he has previously been warned.

"I think it is strange that Mugabo is trying to claim innocence against an accusation he has for several times been warned against,” said the Sector leader.

Meanwhile, it emerged that some of the cows could be auctioned if Mugabo fails to raise a mandatory fine of Rwf 500,000 as stipulated by the district’s by-laws.

The district passed the bylaw after cases of straying cattle were common in the area which is known for livestock farming.

Ngoga explained that the fine is in the interest of both parties to resolve their differences amicably.
