Choose good friends

As the saying goes, “Birds of the same feather flock together”, children should be keen when they select friends at school. This is because while some friends are good, there are others who do not care.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

As the saying goes, "Birds of the same feather flock together”, children should be keen when they select friends at school. This is because while some friends are good, there are others who do not care.

Now that many of you were promoted to a new class or some are joining secondary school, there are some important things to learn.

For those who are joining secondary school, you should know that secondary life is not a bed of roses. There are a lot of challenges ahead. However challenges should not discourage you because they help you become a better person.  

Challenges can help you to choose a life that you would like to live. If you want to have good mannered friends, then you will have to take your time and choose them.

Never rush to hang out with someone whose behavior you have not observed. A good friend always has common interests like yours but if they do not they will at least support and help you develop at school. 

Making good friends takes time. Go slow as you learn each others strengths and weaknesses and then decide which person will be your friend.

Avoid bad peer groups when at school. Peer groups are bad if they make children get spoilt and stop focusing on their studies.              
