Editorial: Learn the culture of reading

One thing I have noticed is that so many children have so much material to read however they lack the initiative to do so. As the saying goes; ‘You cannot teach an old dog new tricks’; the same is true with people.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

One thing I have noticed is that so many children have so much material to read however they lack the initiative to do so. As the saying goes; ‘You cannot teach an old dog new tricks’; the same is true with people.

The older one grows the harder it is to learn new skills in this case, reading and writing skills. Still with young, fresh minds children should step forth and make use of all that brain potential that is still unexplored.

The brain has the capacity to store more information than a computer with the largest Giga-bytes.

Children who read widely have insight on different topics and experiences that are happening around the world. The truth is that no single person can travel all corners of the world during their life time.

It is through reading that they get to know how unique different cultures are around the world. A reading culture can only be developed through practice. The more you read, the more you enjoy.

So as you prepare to start school, revising will become easy when you read more. Whatever knowledge you discover through reading you have to share it through writing or drawing so that it does not remain with you.

This is how our forefathers passed on the knowledge they knew from generation to generation. Every child should therefore make reading a hobby to instill the culture of reading into their lives.
