Government can deny anybody entry

Dear Editor, Stopping visitors from entering Rwanda is not strange. A sovereign country has the right to accept or deny any individual entry, especially if their presence jeorpadises national stability.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Dear Editor,

Stopping visitors from entering Rwanda is not strange. A sovereign country has the right to accept or deny any individual entry, especially if their presence jeorpadises national stability.

It is a known fact that Human Rights Watch is an agent of western governments and the strongest promoter of homosexual rights world over.

Uganda, Zimbawe, Rwanda, Burundi and other pro-family values countries have become targets of severe blackmail by Human Rights Watch.

That is why Sweden and Netherlands quickly cut their aid without to Rwanda any evidence that Rwanda is aiding rebels DR Congo rebel.

Organsations like Human Rights Watch have done their homework well to tarnish countries like Rwanda before the world. I am therefore not shocked at the government’s actions against such liars and promoters of moral genocide.
