Sector unveils 2008 achievements

NORTHERN PROVINCE The executive secretary of Kagogo sector, Burera district, Fabius Nsabimana has warned that without family planning, the anticipated rural development programme will take too long to bring change.

Monday, January 05, 2009


The executive secretary of Kagogo sector, Burera district, Fabius Nsabimana has warned that without family planning, the anticipated rural development programme will take too long to bring change.

He said this during the function to show-case this year’s area achievements which involved donating over 100 Frisian heifers purchased from Ubudehe Fund, to the poor families.

A kiln, brick making tunnel which employs over 80 residents, a frw11million centre for mitielle de sante constructed out of the contributions made by the residents and a health centre constructed in Kayenzi cell, were among some of the major achievements celebrated.

Kagogo sector residents displayed their collective achievements of the year, with a fresh attitude of engaging in income generating activities and  transforming agro-related activities.

A Frw9 million structure for ecole primaire de Kagogo was also officially opened, it was part of the donation from the first lady Jeannette Kagame as an award for special attention given to school girls by that school.

In his remarks the executive secretary asked the residents to embrace family planning methods in order for them to have families they can support.

He lamented that the sector lacks a community bank in which the residents can save from and acquire credit to set up other projects.

Kagogo also recognized the cross border good relations with kisoro district in Uganda where they have accepted to get teachers to teach English in Kagogo and also facilitate the authorities across on hill terracing.
