Crime plunges by quarter in Rusizi

WESTERN PROVINCE RUSIZI—Crimes of ‘all sorts’ have decreased by 25 per cent in Rusizi district from numbers indicated one year ago, according to district police statistics.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

RUSIZI—Crimes of ‘all sorts’ have decreased by 25 per cent in Rusizi district from numbers indicated one year ago, according to district police statistics.

Police commander superintendent Francis Muheto said during a recent private-sector federation meeting that, citing better coordination between police and local-defence units, violent and non-violent crime was a downward spiral.

"Since January to September of this year all types of crimes have decrease by 25 per cent in this district according to our criminal records,” Muheto said.

"I believe this was achieved as a result of double efforts between security organs and the entire residents in curbing down these problems.”

Certain crimes though, including corruption and rape, had not seen intensive decreases, and rather in some instances had in fact increased.

Citizens and residents were urged to avoid dealing in smuggling businesses and other illegal acts and to "love and respect” Rwanda by paying taxes fully and on time.

He further asked participants to always keep security in the region by attending night patrols and to report any insecurity to the concerned authorities in time.

Since January in the district there have been 10 cases of corruption, 30 robbery cases, 66 theft cases, 43 smuggling cases, four murder cases, six counterfeit currency cases and nine Genocide ideology cases.
