Police Senior Command students begin study tour
Monday, May 07, 2018
Students of the National Police College during their study tour.

Twenty-eight police students from eight African countries currently pursuing the ‘Police Senior Command and Staff Course’ at the National Police College (NPC) in Musanze District, yesterday, started their study tour aimed at linking theories to realities on ground.

The senior officers, who form the 6th intake, are from Ethiopia, Kenya, Namibia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Rwanda, the host.

The study tour which will take them to different parts of the country began on Monday with focus on governance, unity and reconciliation.

During their visit at the Rwanda Governance Board, the students met with the Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Usta Kayitesi, who took them through the role of good governance in Rwanda’s sustainable development.

The students later met with the Executive Secretary of the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC), Fidèle Ndayisaba, who gave them a detailed insight into history of Rwanda and how the country has moved from a once failed state to a reconciled, united and developing nation.

He also spoke at length about the political, economic and social reconciliation as well as the contribution of security organs in unity and reconciliation of Rwandans.

Part of what Ndayisaba equipped the officers with, is Rwanda’s home grown solutions that have contributed tremendously in rebuilding the country.

Supt. Jane Nakityo from Uganda, in an interview, said: "The knowledge we have acquired will not only help us in class and completion of this important course, but also in our day-to-day work as law enforcers, in decision making and effective implementation of policies and laws”.

The one year professional and career course also offers a Master’s in Peace Studies and Conflict Transformation, and Level 7 certificate in strategic leadership and management.

The highest rated police course also aims at imparting to officers knowledge and skills in relation to Strategic Command and professional policing, Executive Leadership as well as Strategic Management.

After students are equipped with theoretical knowledge, they go out to make a comparative analysis of the practices on ground.

The strategic level provides them with ability to influence security policies and improves their understanding of the evolving policing landscape.

The students are scheduled to visit fifteen institutions in different sectors of law enforcement, governance, security, foreign policy and economic development.
