Perfect weekend….Ndayisaba

Rider Man Also known as Rider Man, Ndayisaba is an ambitious upcoming hip hop star. He is a former band member of “Soldiers”. Rider Man quit the band and is now a solo singer. My perfect weekend includes, being free and having a loaded pocket to sustain me with friends throughout the weekend.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Rider Man

Also known as Rider Man, Ndayisaba is an ambitious upcoming hip hop star. He is a former band member of "Soldiers”. Rider Man quit the band and is now a solo singer. My perfect weekend includes, being free and having a loaded pocket to sustain me with friends throughout the weekend.

This means hanging out in all happening nightspots of our choice and buying ourselves drinks and edibles. It’s indeed a healthy idea to have a day or two to rest and have fun after a stressful week.

I usually begin my weekends on Friday evening. I go home, have a shower and dress like any other celebrity in town, then hookup with friends for the weekend. I will make sure that I return home in the early hours of the following day.

Saturday morning, I wakeup at around 10a.m, take a cold shower and take a heavy breakfast of African tea and bread with Blue Band.

My favourite meal is rice, fries and beef. But, I must also confess that I’m a slow eater. It’s not true that I’ve to finish whatever I serve on my plate. 

Later in the evening, I will head out to meet my buddies at La Planet, or Cadillac, or to any other happening nightspot as long as it offers me fun to conclude my weekend.

I often stay out late on a Saturday night. Indeed, I don’t believe I can call myself a fulfilled human being until I have made it through the night having too much fun with my friends, checking out all the different nightclubs.

After a couple of bottles of beer, I might switch to water to make myself sober while watching my friends getting wasted. I love watching my friends when they are drunk.

Sometimes I buy them beers, just to make them drunk. By 5a.m, I start thinking about going back home to sleep.

I would allow myself to hangout on Sunday’s if I could, although I’d probably have a couple of beers. I try not to stay out late, since I have to prepare myself for the week ahead.
Sunday is for staying indoors.

Somehow, I have become a typical beer-drinking man who sits on a sofa all Sunday watching sports or movies, or listening to music. With that, I will consider that my perfect weekend.
