Relationships: Love alone can’t make a relationship

It is a rather disturbing irony to find that a healthy relationship, which is the most fulfilling and sweetest thing in life, and a dream to everyone breathing, turns out to be an  a mirage. Volumes and volumes have been written on the topic of love and relationships, but many have missed the point, due to the oversight of centering on love to make the magical.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

It is a rather disturbing irony to find that a healthy relationship, which is the most fulfilling and sweetest thing in life, and a dream to everyone breathing, turns out to be an  a mirage.

Volumes and volumes have been written on the topic of love and relationships, but many have missed the point, due to the oversight of centering on love to make the magical.

Love in its nature as a feeling, in my opinion should not be taken as a cardinal basis of a relationship simply because it is a feeling.

It is susceptible to weariness and essentially inconsistent just like any other similar feeling of coldness, happiness and others.

As opposed to diving head first into a relationship taking only love with you, people should consider aspects like their partner’s traits and personality, such that screening for  priceless virtues like responsibility, tolerance, maturity in judgment and others, can be guaranteed before moving an inch into a relationship.

Love should be seen  as an ingredient to spice up a relationship, not the real food stuff because it can’t sustainably satisfy the hunger involved in a relationship.

Many people who have ventured into relationships armed with love alone, have found it a perilous journey and ended up going their separate ways.

They say true love endures forever and melts the strongest hearts, but much of it is an issue of one’s heart which doesn’t guarantee mutual compatibility.

Scenarios have often happened, when two smitten lovers succumb to a destiny of not being with each other for the rest of their lives.

Absence of compatibility within love can be a liability in a relationship. This in most cases is due to circumstantial pressures and absence of traits and values that can make a relationship work.

There is also a misconception of following a stereotype that every love affair ends in marriage. This belief has led to a lot of emotional breakdowns and frustrations in many people’s lives.
People ought to embrace the fact that not all relationships end in marriage. If you try your best to knit-up a relationship and you find out its completely not working, don’t make a fuss out of it.

The right thing to do is to accept the bitter fact and let go and move on to where compatibility and fruitfulness can be guaranteed, you never know it could only be getting better for you.
