Check crime at Kwarubangura stage

Dear editor, On a very sad note, I would like the public to know that theft cases have risen during the festive season. The Kwarubangura stage is becoming a place where thieves snatch phones, laptops, jewelry and money.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Dear editor,

On a very sad note, I would like the public to know that theft cases have risen during the festive season. The Kwarubangura stage is becoming a place where thieves snatch phones, laptops, jewelry and money.

The theft peak is in the late evenings when people are coming back from work or whatever business they were doing in the city. Unfortunately these thieves are still slippery, at times beating the security detail at the stage. They keep running off and still return to steal the following day.

Serious measures should be taken to resolve this problem and if the police do not permanently patrol this area, allow taxi to park at convenient places within the city, to reduce the number of people at Kwarubangura.
