Eastern DR Congo will soon be peaceful

Dear Editor, Efforts by the Rwandan and Congolese governments to see that the eastern DR Congo is peaceful are promising. The joint partnership plan that the two have embarked on as a strategy to stop the so called Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) rebels should not be slowed down

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Dear Editor,
Efforts by the Rwandan and Congolese governments to see that the eastern DR Congo is peaceful are promising. The joint partnership plan that the two have embarked on as a strategy to stop the so called Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) rebels should not be slowed down.

As we all know, the perpetrators of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi are still going about killing the innocent Banyamulenge who settled in DR Congo.

These killings and wars should stop! Whatever measures taken, DR Congo will achieve peace in the near future. By cooperating as a region, Congo, Rwanda and the rest of the East African Region should fully support the peace process in Eastern Congo.

This will be to everyone’s advantage as we strive to develop and be a better Africa.
