Teens Hype: Real joy after the festivities

I dare anyone to come up and challenge me about having fun. This Christmas was different and the best because I was thrilled by every moment of the day.

Monday, December 29, 2008

I dare anyone to come up and challenge me about having fun. This Christmas was different and the best because I was thrilled by every moment of the day.

Three years ago, I remember I used to nurse hangovers every morning after Christmas. I had no clue about the bruises on my head.

They only made sense when my friends told me I had collapsed and hit my head on a table and lost consciousness. This was the mentality I had then, to eat and drink all that I wanted during the festive season.

Indeed, I ate and drank myself into unconsciousness. The New Year celebrations found me still having the after effects of Christmas Day- head throbs and no appetite is whatsoever.

This when the phrase ‘Too much of anything is bad’, came to life and I fully understood what it meant.

This time it was not the usual drinking and eating, instead I focused on the real meaning of the festive season. This is what made me happy.

Many teens today don’t know what it means to make New Year resolutions. I made new strategies which I wrote on a to-do list for the New Year. I divided my strategies into the must-do’s and negligible ones.

To my satisfaction, I finished all the must-do’s in time to encroach on the negligible ones. My father, who taught me this, always says fulfilling your resolutions is the epitome of a successful lifestyle because it is the essence of an organised human being.

Though it has not been an easy three years down the road, I must say that since I started making resolutions, I have reaped more happiness from meaningful festive celebrations.

Every year on Christmas Day, I go to church and thank God for the past year and ask Him to bless my New Year resolutions. Of course, I don’t forget to thank God for sending Jesus to save us and this is top on the list.
