New Year resolutions

Now that Christmas is over, I can only hope that you are preparing for a 2009 in style with New Year resolutions. A New Year resolution is simply a promise that you make and intend to fulfill before the year ends.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Now that Christmas is over, I can only hope that you are preparing for a 2009 in style with New Year resolutions. A New Year resolution is simply a promise that you make and intend to fulfill before the year ends.

Being disciplined children in all areas of your lives should be a number one resolution. You can resolve to be obedient to your parents and others. In this way you will understand what respect means by the end of 2009.

Cleanliness too is an important resolution that children can make. Being clean will protect you from many diseases  discaused by dirt.

Therefore make a resolution that next year, you will bathe daily, wash your hands always, wash you underclothes and keep your rooms clean and organised at all times.

Another, important resolution is to revise your books and do all your homework next year. This will make you perform well at school.

Helping your parents at home shouldn’t miss on your resolution list. By the end of 2009, you should at least look back at what you have that has made you parents proud of you.

Since a healthy mind goes hand in hand with a healthy body, all children should strive to be clean, helpful, study hard and also do sports next year.
