Birthday greetings

In the photo is Noelah Kutanwa, she was born on  December 25, 2008, on Christmas Day weighing 3.45kg. Dear Kutanwa, may you live to blow 101 candles, birthday greetings from your lovely parents, relatives and friends.  

Monday, December 29, 2008

In the photo is Noelah Kutanwa, she was born on  December 25, 2008, on Christmas Day weighing 3.45kg. Dear Kutanwa, may you live to blow 101 candles, birthday greetings from your lovely parents, relatives and friends.  

For those born on Christmas Day
It is such a great blessing to celebrate the same birthday with Jesus. Unlike many people today, baby Jesus was born in a manger.

Jesus was conceived in Mary by the Holy Spirit. He lived a normal life yet, he was the Son of God. Jesus came to take away our sins, He died and rose again.

We celebrate the birth of Jesus because He gave us the right to become the sons of God. The fact that you were born on Christmas Day is a blessing. As you grow, live to love God and fulfill His purpose for your life.
