Thank you, Revenue Authority

Dear Editor, Recently, I wrote a letter through you to the Rwanda Revenue Authority, requesting them to clarify the type of taxes that business people in the tourism sector should pay to the treasury.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Dear Editor,

Recently, I wrote a letter through you to the Rwanda Revenue Authority, requesting them to clarify the type of taxes that business people in the tourism sector should pay to the treasury.

In response to my letter, RRA organised a tax education session through which most of us in the tourism sector were educated about the taxation policy.

I purposely write today to thank the uthority for their immediate response to the pressing needs of taxpayers in the nation and on behalf of fellow Rwandans in the tourism business; we would like to pledge that we shall continuously pay our taxes on time and declare the right taxes, thanks to your education policy that boosts compliance.

Happy New Year!
