They too need the love

A big segment of people I talked to about what the festive season means to them, said it is about receiving and giving love to their families. However, do you realise that in our midst there are people who don’t even have that family to receive the love from.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

A big segment of people I talked to about what the festive season means to them, said it is about receiving and giving love to their families. However, do you realise that in our midst there are people who don’t even have that family to receive the love from.

They too feel a splendid air of love inside them this Christmas but they see no one around to show it. At times, regardless of their misery and feel like giving the love but don’t see who to love, because we’ve not been close to them.

The only task that was given to humanity when our lord Jesus Christ was leaving is to love our neighbours like we love ourselves. But you realise we have groups of people like orphans, the sick who yearn for that love but we choose not to give it to them.

Among the societies that need love, ours really needs it considering the cruel fate that befell it. Everyone breathing in Rwanda should be working to plant the seed of love by reaching out to the disadvantaged groups through talking to them or offering something. This puts them in a position of loving back and having a hope in life.

Putting a smile on an orphan’s face is a great addition to the beauty of life that humanity by virtue of living, has as a purpose.

We have a task mostly as Rwandans to ‘love until it hurts’ such that love can eclipse the pain and miseries that characterise many of our people, such that love can once again conquer and be synonymous with our society.

Reaching out to the vulnerable and needy people is not an issue of a person’s divine stand  like it is wrongly perceived, but rather a person’s humanity’ because to be human is to love, though hatred and other inequities at times tend to rule our precious race and yields into unspeakable deeds.

Though being in communion with the almighty God perfectly puts one in a position to do well and love impartially, it doesn’t mean the Godly are the only custodians of love. The fact that you are living, love leaves inside of you; it’s a matter of looking inside of you and make it function.

The good thing is that love just makes things better for both the recipient and the giver; the giver satisfies the inbuilt instinct which settles a person’s psychology, heart and also secures the soul.

Our society and planet as a whole does not need more visions of desperation, fear, doubt and hate - it requires an abundance of love, especially unconditional love, to heal and restore the beauty contained in every moment.  This becomes the easier path once we take the first step and begin to share our love.

Good enough, we are already blessed with compassionate people with golden hearts, who are involved in a number of philanthropist activities like catering for our orphans through providing their basic needs and school fees.

It is not that the people who have chosen to give love and support our desperate brothers and sisters are rich or have a lot to give, it is just because they have understood their purpose as humans and that is why they will stop at nothing less than making an orphan find meaning in life.

I congratulate all brothers and sisters who have used their savings, sacrificed their time and prayers to restore hope to the disadvantaged groups in our midst, and I call upon others who haven’t, to realise the inherent call of humanity and love, give and support them.   
