Public transport fares to go up starting April
Friday, March 30, 2018
A passenger uses his u2018tap and gou2019 card to pay a fare on a public transport bus. Nadege Imbabazi.

Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) has announced new public transport fares effective Monday, April 2, 2018.

According to the head of transport at RURA, Emmanuel Asaba Katabarwa, the intercity public transport tariff was adjusted from Rwf19 to Rwf21 per kilometre, per passenger, while Kigali public transport tariff will be adjusted from Rwf20 to Rwf22 per kilometre.

The overall average increment is 5 per cent and 7 per cent for the City of Kigali and the intercity public transport, respectively.

"The tariff setting process is a normal regulatory exercise. The last tariff review was in November 2015 and it was agreed that the set tariffs shall be reviewed after two years or if the fuel pump price exceeds Rwf959 or goes below Rwf817,” Katabarwa said during a news briefing in Kigali yesterday.

In Kigali alone, the usual fares will increase from Rwf1 to Rwf60 depending on the areas.

The tariff review process was initiated in November 2017, two years after the previous one of November 2015, and thereafter fuel pump price exceeded the set threshold of Rwf959.

Katabarwa added that the objective of setting fixed public transport tariffs is to ensure that public transport is priced fairly and all costs related to sustainable public transport services are recovered.

"The current tariff review takes into consideration various changes which have happened since 2015, such as fuel price increases,  introduction of speed governors, the automated fare collection system, as well as e-ticketing and insurance premium increase. Some of these changes are aimed at providing quality, reliable and safer public transport services to the passengers in line with the government’s vision,” he said.

Eric Ruhamiriza, the executive secretary of a commuter transporters association, ATPR, told The New Times that they have invested a lot in public transport, and so they hope to benefit from the service they are offering countrywide.

"This move was long awaited and we thank RURA that they have respected what we had agreed upon two years ago. We will benefit from these new tariffs,” Ruhamiriza said.

But Angelique Mukankunsi, a regular commuter between Kanombe and Nyabugogo where she works, said the increased fare could be a burden to some passengers.

Rwanda reviews fuel prices every two months, whereas regional countries review it every month.