Congratulations education sector

Dear editor, I would like to applaud Rwanda’s Education sector on the 5 remarkable improvements they have achieved this year. Firstly, they have expressed their utter dedication in ensuring that all Rwandans learn the English language.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Dear editor,

I would like to applaud Rwanda’s Education sector on the 5 remarkable improvements they have achieved this year. Firstly, they have expressed their utter dedication in ensuring that all Rwandans learn the English language.

A language referred to by many as ‘a language of prosperity’.

With the language learning centres opened everywhere; even the illiterate who will attend these free lessons will start using English, come the end of 2009 and this will make doing business easier.

Other than this, improvements in the national examination marking have been a success. The introduction of the ‘Conveyer Belt System’ of marking ensured the fast, effective and secure marking of scripts.

Teachers for the first time were able to enjoy their Christmas at home. Another area is having basic education for nine years straight. This is so amazing as it will reduce the number of school dropouts.

For the first time in 10 years, Universite Laique Adventiste de Kigali (UNILAK) was granted permission to award degrees. This was another great achievement.

Students whose futures were undecided due to lack academic transcripts will now have papers to show. This kind of commitment and dedication shown by the education sector should be emulated by other government sectors that have not yet nailed down the challenges they face.
