Africans should stop forwarding false information

Dear Editor, I am really tired of opening my e-mail inbox and finding false stories of people who claim to be in need of help and would like someone to become their partner in money transfer issues. It is no secret that most of these people forwarding such messages are West Africans.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Dear Editor,

I am really tired of opening my e-mail inbox and finding false stories of people who claim to be in need of help and would like someone to become their partner in money transfer issues. It is no secret that most of these people forwarding such messages are West Africans.

Surely as Africans, we should be using our time productively so that we can impact positively on our continent’s development. If many of us are idle to a point that all we can do is access internet and forward false information to whichever e-mail address that crosses one’s mind then we are in trouble. If this makes sense to anybody, then we must stop this time wasting habit. 
