Story corner: A night of terror

It was about 10p.m when Julius’ father turned on the TV to watch a movie. Julius still had some homework to do, so he decided to sit with his back to the TV so that he would not get distracted by it. The movies started very romantically, when two men fell in love with two women, at first sight.

Monday, December 22, 2008

It was about 10p.m when Julius’ father turned on the TV to watch a movie. Julius still had some homework to do, so he decided to sit with his back to the TV so that he would not get distracted by it. The movies started very romantically, when two men fell in love with two women, at first sight.

Julius soon lost interest in the movie and turned away to continue with his homework. But soon, the sound of gun shots made him curious as a cat and he turned to watch what was happening.

He was just in time to see one of the men trying to shoot what looked like a baboon eating one of the ladies. Julius turned away and tried to concentrate on his homework. But from what he could hear, it was all about people trying to survive.

Some were trying to uncover mysteries, one of the soldiers who had been at this place beforetried to forget everything. Everyone was being killed; it was a sad, emotional movie because out of around 20 people, only three survived.

The soldier who tried to forget, eventually died saving the three survivors.

Julius again tried to concentrate on his homework, but it was hopeless. He only thought about the terrible movie. He started crying. When 12 midnight struck, it was time for him to go to bed.

He was so frightened that he could not make it to his room without switching on all the lights. He even left his bedroom light on until he finally dozed off. But terror crept back in.

He started dreaming about how he survived for two years, living with baboons. He saw himself running through the forest, trying to avoid wild animals everywhere.

He dreamt he was on a tree, but was spotted by baboons which started climbing to where he was.  He started screaming and throwing branches at them.

"Julius, Julius, wake up, its time for school!” It was his mum! He woke up only to realise it was just a bad dream.

"You were having a nightmare”, said his Mum, "hurry up and get ready for school.”

Julius was happy to go to school that day, because it was better than being in a night of terror.
