Teen’s hype: Smiling with Jesus

I know you are thinking it is impossible but I do it everyday. When I understood the meaning of Christmas, I got the first opportunity to smile with Jesus.

Monday, December 22, 2008

I know you are thinking it is impossible but I do it everyday. When I understood the meaning of Christmas, I got the first opportunity to smile with Jesus.

I was among many who said smiling with Jesus was not indicated anywhere in the Bible. And for long, I took Christmas Day lightly and instead I celebrated New Years Day cheerfully no matter what.

This got me thinking during one Sunday service. It was the Sunday before Christmas. After enjoying the wonderful hymns, I keenly listened to the preacher unlike other Sunday’s when I couldn’t wait for the sermon to end.

The preacher’s sermon- ‘Smiling with Jesus’, completely captured my attention. He explained the exact reason for celebrating Christmas.

By the end of the sermon I was shocked that I hadn’t dozed as I always did. In previous sermons, mother would nudge me several times in a pointless effort to keep me awake.

This time however, the preacher clearly explained the importance of Christ’s birth and he drove out any bias I had about the day.

He said that Christmas Day always represents God’s indescribable love for humanity. He further said that Jesus’ birth is the reason why we live by the grace and mercy of God despite our sinfulness.

After that day, I started reading deeper in search for more. I discovered that it was indeed true that Jesus is our daily saviour.

This reality changed every Christmas Day in my life. I never knew what I had been missing and my happiness during the festive season greatly increased.

Right now, I am anxiously waiting to celebrate the day my Lord was born. After knowing this truth, I spend more time smiling with Jesus Christ daily, instead of only waiting for Christmas.
