KIGALI NOTES: Kacyiru facing Kigali’s unrelenting costs of growth

On Thursday morning this week, the residents of Ruhango in Kacyiru, behind the UN agencies office block, were treated to the worst possible rude awakenings in a festive season.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

On Thursday morning this week, the residents of Ruhango in Kacyiru, behind the UN agencies office block, were treated to the worst possible rude awakenings in a festive season.

The Mudugudu chairman of the cell or Muyobozi with a big group of escorts knocked on each and every door and gate in the area informing the occupants that the group was surveying, marking and evaluating the homes in the area in preparation for the start of the biggest single private sector project.

A USD 230 million high end hotel and golf course by Dubai based investors.

Dubai bought the swathe of land covering the entire stretch from King Faisal hospital, behind the parliamentary buildings and going up to the General Post office.

The residents in this area were not informed of the early morning visit nor were they informed about the surveying and so were surprised that their otherwise ‘loud speaking’ Muyobozi had not announced the surveyors’ visit. As a result THEY did not allow the group into their houses.

The Muyobozi had his trump card ready; he informed the still sleepy residents that he had express permission from Kigali City management to take the group around. The residents are among the most affected in facing the costs of growth in Kigali’s expansion.

Just across the road, Kigali Convention Centre displaced some of their neighbours and the place closed off in the process encircling even the powerful savings bank whose clientele are mainly National Force soldiers, Zigama CSS.

In the same area too, the remaining feeder road is now being turned into a main road so construction works here have affected many businesses and are now battling with the dust. It is in this sate of mind that the Muyobozi found his subjects.

Three of the residents in the area tell their tribulations to a senior correspondent of Kigali Notes;

Mturaje: Why do these people want to chase us away from Kigali, where shall we go? Next time I see these ‘big mouth’ Bayobozi I will undress in-front of them and curse them in the name of my ancestors. My family has owned this plot of land since many years ago. Now we have to hand it over to the Arabs for their big hotel.

Mtembei: What are you saying, your son needs a job after he finishes school, right? Do you intend to send him to roast brochette in a kiosk in Gitarama when he can roast brochette in a hotel?

I say, we allow these surveyors to evaluate the worth of our land; we can save from the sale of the land to the Arabs and pay tuition fees for our children.

As for me, I will send my boy Claude to a tourism institution which I hear is coming soon to Kigali ad it will be the biggest in the region.

So Mturage just chill out, sell the land and get to see the life that your tenants live. I guess you will have to run away from Kigali to the village where you will benefit from the cow gift programme by local government.

Mkodesha: What a misfortune, I had just complied with instructions by KCC construction manuals, I had bought a plan to put up a "Kadasteri” house on my little land, now shall they refund me for that too?

But even then, Mudugudu leaders should know that orders have to be communicated to their intended beneficiaries or victims even if they came from the highest office in heaven.  Next time he shows up on my doorstep in the early morning I will open the door for him naked.
