Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia, I am a young man with two masters degrees a very good job.  My  superior  at work is female and she is really harassing me. I have tried to talk to my friends and colleagues and they are telling me that chances are that she either feels threatened by my CV or she wants to have an affair with me, I have failed to know which is which. I don’t want to leave my well paying job because of her.Cyril.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Dear Aunt Silvia,

I am a young man with two masters degrees a very good job.  My  superior  at work is female and she is really harassing me. I have tried to talk to my friends and colleagues and they are telling me that chances are that she either feels threatened by my CV or she wants to have an affair with me, I have failed to know which is which. I don’t want to leave my well paying job because of her.

Dear Cyril,

It is very simple to differentiate between a scared woman and a woman in love. If your boss is in love with you, there are all tale tell signs all over the wall, you only need to open your eyes wide.

First and foremost pay attention to the way she behaves towards you, is she trying to dress provocatively? Is she making passes on you and/or touching you on the slightest chance?

If she is flirting with you then you will know, monitor her moves towards you very carefully, she might be in love with you and cannot tell you straight on. Instead she is finding a way out of her frustrations by projecting her frustrations to you with work.

If she is not in love with you, then maybe your performance at work is below average, meaning you are not performing and she is not satisfied by what you are doing. So the only solution is to face her and ask her what the problem is exactly. It is not professional to be in bad books with your boss.

If it is neither of the above- then she is not acting professionally either. When it comes to having a relationship in the office, to me this is likely to trigger a conflict of interest issues at your place of work.

The  code of ethics in every work place is that relationships between colleagues are discouraged. Be bold and face her immediately before the matter gets out of hand because your job is at stake here. MERRY CHRISTMASS!
