Editorial: Shifting the Festives to high Gear

Christmas is around the corner. With this we get to shift all that is to happen into high gear. At the Sunday Mag we bring you an edition loaded with all that there is for you to have a leisurely weekend.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas is around the corner. With this we get to shift all that is to happen into high gear. At the Sunday Mag we bring you an edition loaded with all that there is for you to have a leisurely weekend.

The focus is once more on the family as a basic unit for living. Read about this on Relationships. Our humour pages are quite loaded too.

Whether it is the Diaspoman talking about his village tales, or the Rambling Mind cursing the Public Service Vehicles or the Cartoon two page comical spread-Seif’s recap and Mzee Kamujyi, the Sunday Mag is packed with humour of different typologies.

On 2020 Living Prof.Josh Ruxin, a Columbia University don packs up his bags to descend from the ivory towers of this New York City based academic institution to put up shop in Rwanda in order that he can live up the 2020 dream.

The last insight into the RwandaCell vs RwandaTel duel is reported in The Insider. With it,  Shaggy provides the tilting balance the Yellow brand needed to even the fortunes of this market war to its side.

We trust that our commitment to keep you satisfied  with what is really happening around within the perspective of leisure is actually being met. Have a merry Christmas.
