The Hater: I hate people who…

…send text messages instead of Christmas cards. It is quite boring to read the same message that has already circulated the whole world. It does not hurt to be original. Cards can be on the Christmas tree or on the table to remember those who cared to send. For the text messages, I will be compelled to delete some to free my inbox. 

Friday, December 19, 2008

…send text messages instead of Christmas cards. It is quite boring to read the same message that has already circulated the whole world. It does not hurt to be original.

Cards can be on the Christmas tree or on the table to remember those who cared to send. For the text messages, I will be compelled to delete some to free my inbox. 

…drive old cars that emit thick black smoke. I have tried so much to avoid second hand smoke from cigarette smokers and now I have to do the same with your old piece of crap, you still call a car for lack of a better word.

If you cannot service your car regularly, then you should park it and use a bicycle. If you do not stop this habit, I will be forced to put your registration plates here next week. 

…indulge in gossiping while in beauty saloons. I know I could be milking a stone here but this does not stop me from hating. Most saloon workers and their customers have a lousy habit of gossiping about every soul both living and dead, once they enter these usually small rooms. And for some reason, the gossiping seems to be a reserve of the ladies’ saloons. Read a magazine or watch TV but please keep your mouth shut.

…type so hard on computer keyboards. Technology is there to make life better and simpler. Most typewriter industries have long closed and apartment blocks built in their place. A computer is new and improved.

There is no need to use excessive energy while typing and particularly when pressing the ‘Enter’ key. It does not make your machine respond faster or even your work neater. You ought to be gentle while using these machines. I wonder what you will do when touch screen keyboards for PCs are introduced.

…read newspapers starting with the sports page at the back. Listen Mr. Sports fanatic, the editor was not mad when he/she put the sports at the back page. The pages are numbered and you need to read the whole paper in detail and also in order.

Is it really more important for you to know the result of the Barcelona Vs Madrid game before knowing whether Ghana has a new president? Yes it is my duty to hate and I am not about to stop. Change now before my hatred worsens.

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