Why should the judges quit?

Dear Editor, I am seriously disappointed by the fact that seven Judges have announced their intention to resign from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) by the end of this year, yet there are over ten cases pending to be heard.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Dear Editor,

I am seriously disappointed by the fact that seven Judges have announced their intention to resign from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) by the end of this year, yet there are over ten cases pending to be heard.

It is also absurd that in preparation for the resignation of the seven, the tribunal has not yet written to the UN General Assembly which elects other judges to replace these ones.

Well, if they insist on resigning, then the remaining cases which include those of the four suspects in the tribunal’s custody whose transfer to Rwanda had earlier been suggested by the tribunal’s prosecutor but was blocked by the Appeals Chamber should be effected.
