Nyagatare renovates commercial houses

EASTERN PROVINCE NYAGATARE — When Michael Ntabana, one of the businessmen in Nyagatare town was told by authorities last year to renovate his commercial building, he wasn’t convinced that the move was for his own good. But eight months later, he says the renovation has rejuvenated his business.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


NYAGATARE — When Michael Ntabana, one of the businessmen in Nyagatare town was told by authorities last year to renovate his commercial building, he wasn’t convinced that the move was for his own good. But eight months later, he says the renovation has rejuvenated his business.

"I think it is a fantastic idea to have something like this,” Ntabana told The New Times, recently, in reference to his shining building. He added that he is hopeful it would give a boost to his business. If the current development pace is maintained, landlords are likely to reap big.

Ntabana, who runs a garments shop, urges area traders to work together for a common goal.

He said: "If all people for example, renovated their buildings, businesses could recover a percentage of the cost.”

Nyagatare seems to be positioning itself to become an investment destination in rural areas.

District leaders say the town has the potential to become the provincial commercial hub- offering more jobs, housing and other social services.

Apart from renovating the old structures, a number of new residential and commercial houses are being built. Residents believe the town will completely change from its current image to a big commercial centre.

According to analysts, rent charges will hike as the population of the town dwellers is likely to increase. In another development, a number of landlords have come together to raise funds to develop their farmlands. 
