Bravo Ngoma

Dear Editor, I would like to show my appreciation to Ngoma District for their concern about the unemployed people in the district. The district released its 2009 mini budget worth Rwf4.305, 791, 566.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dear Editor,

I would like to show my appreciation to Ngoma District for their concern about the unemployed people in the district. The district released its 2009 mini budget worth Rwf4.305, 791, 566.

And, according to the budget, it’s estimated that 19,000 jobs will be created and each person will earn Rwf180, 000 in a period of six months.

This is a great opportunity for people in the area to eradicate poverty, thus contributing to the country’s development through increased per capita income.

The district allocated a whole 82 percent of the budget for economic development, which is good. I however hope that whatever has been planned gets to be implemented. I also urge other leaders to emulate Ngoma district. 
