Parliament questions officials on state of emerging crimes

A host of senior government officials, including ministers, appeared this morning before the parliamentary committee on budget and national patrimony to update legislators on efforts in place to fight a number of emerging crimes in the country.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A host of senior government officials, including ministers, appeared this morning before the parliamentary committee on budget and national patrimony to update legislators on efforts in place to fight a number of emerging crimes in the country.

The officials included Justice Minister Johnston Busingye, the state minister for economic planning, Dr Uzziel Ndagijimana and central bank governor John Rwangombwa and among the crimes to which legislators raised concern include money laundering, cyber-crime and terrorism prevention among others.

Addressing the legislators, Rwangombwa said: "Money laundering is a tough test in as regards combating it but central bank together with security organs are setting up mechanisms to minimize leakages.”

Rwangombwa also touched on the issue of loan sharks, commonly known as Banque Lambert, which he said is a threat to the economy.

He said that to counter some of these emerging crimes, government was encouraging people to embrace cashless economy.

However, Busingye said that the state of money laundering, drug trafficking and terrorism aren't as bad on the Rwandan territory but setting up mechanisms ahead of time could minimize damages was crucial.

More details to follow…