Money matters to dominate Mukura GA

Mukura Victory Sports holds an extra-ordinary general assembly on Sunday and top of the agenda will be the club’s finances, Abraham Nayandi, the club president told Sunday Sport.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Mukura Victory Sports holds an extra-ordinary general assembly on Sunday and top of the agenda will be the club’s finances, Abraham Nayandi, the club president told Sunday Sport.

Nayandi, who has served the club for over ten years said that the club has financial problems, and that it is the major factor affecting their performance in the national league.

"During the general assembly, we shall have chance to find solutions for the problems affecting the performance of the team and how best we can run it,” Nayandi said.

Mukura is supported by Huye district but Nayandi points out that a club needs to find another source of financial support.

Sources within the club corridors of power reveal that the district injects an approximate Frw45 millions which is quite less as compared to other giant clubs that have annual budget of over Frw100 millions.
