Rusumo high school gets new director

EASTERN PROVINCE KIREHE—Following a two-day strike in which over twenty students were injured and many school properties destroyed, Rusumo high school has replaced its director.

Monday, October 01, 2007

KIREHE—Following a two-day strike in which over twenty students were injured and many school properties destroyed, Rusumo high school has replaced its director.

Representing the new director amidst students, teaching staff and Kirehe district officials, the minister in charge of primary and secondary education Joseph Murekeraho urged teachers to be ‘near’ the students.

Poor leadership, he said, was the cause of the strike, and further urged everyone to be responsible in his or her work and cooperate and advise with students as they were the future leaders of Rwanda.

"Follow the students, follow their health like eating and other personal affairs,” the minister said. However he also warned of investigations still ongoing about teachers who were alleged to have had a hand in the strike.

New director Father Andrea Mazimaka said that cooperation among students and teachers was the only way forward.
All students detained at Kirehe police for causing the strike were released as investigations pend.

The students of Rusumo High school put up a strike on Monday and Tuesday nights last week over the dismissal of Gideon Bizimana as director of the school by Kirehe district cabinet committee for failure to fulfill his office duties.

But Anglophone-Francophone issues are said to be at the heart of the fighting. School disciplinary committee chairman Grace Asiimwe has said that any students involved in the protests would be punished as accorded by law.

"Some will be imprisoned, others expelled and others suspended,” Asiimwe said.

"We are also still investigating about the teachers who are said to have influenced the students to strike and they will be punished as required.”

Senior-6 student Uwiringiyimana of senior six is still at Kirehe hospital, though others were discharged to go back and take exams.
