Zimbabwe becomes a laughing stock when there are no drugs for cholera victims

The cholera tragedy in Zimbabwe continues to be aired on global TV screens. A cholera outbreak has been exacerbating the suffering of the already suffering people of Zimbabwe with the reported death toll growing up day by day.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The cholera tragedy in Zimbabwe continues to be aired on global TV screens. A cholera outbreak has been exacerbating the suffering of the already suffering people of Zimbabwe with the reported death toll growing up day by day.

President Robert Mugabe on Friday took it to another level and announced to the world that there was no ‘serious’ cholera outbreak in his country.

With fingers pointing to the US and UK whom he claims only wanted to bring down his great standing before the international community. He reportedly accused Western powers of plotting to use cholera as a pretext for invasion to overthrow him.

Information Minister Sikhanyiso Ndlovu, an ally of Mugabe was on Thursday also quoted by the media saying the cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe which has left hundreds dead is caused by the UK.

He described the outbreak as a "genocidal onslaught on the people of Zimbabwe by the British”. But aid workers warned that the situation was worsening and the outbreak could last for months.

This is absurd. It is highly despicable for the leaders in Zimbabwe to politicize the cholera epidemic instead of helping the victims.

Zimbabwe is not the first country to be hit by a cholera outbreak. It is not cholera that will make Mugabe’s image fade or Zimbabwe become a laughing stock in the eyes of international community.

It is the orchestrated campaign by the leadership to harass those perceived as anti establishment. It is not cholera that will make many hate Mugabe. It is illegal detention or extra judicial killings of opposition politicians that dents his image.

Mugabe will become a laughing stock if Zimbabwe’s priority is to buy weapons to intervene in DR Congo when over 90 per cent of the citizens cannot access drugs in hospitals to treat cholera victims. Not cholera.

Mugabe will always be a laughing stock if he clings onto power through stealing votes.

Contact: Ssuuna2000@yahoo.co.uk